Not original but personal. A friend once started singing to me 'Turning Japanese. I think you're turning Japanese.' She was, of couse, refering to my habit of taking a huge amount of photos everywhere I go. I hope you enjoy seeing into my world just a little bit.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
A quiet Christmas Day
The day started in a Skype kind of way. An early morning call from Amy meant I was able to see each and every one of her presents. She sure put me in the Christmas mood. Funny kid! I also called my Godchildren and several Japanese friends. Have I told you before how much I love Skype?We are having our main, family celebration day on the 27th and so there were only five for lunch. We (Mum and Janet) still did something just a little bit special for our lunch. This year, Mum tried duck. It was delicious all covered in an apricot sauce. Paired with potatoes (my favourite way) and a yummy salad made by me. The duck was very difficult to carve though so I don't think we'll be having it again too soon. I am sure th recipe would work just as well with chicken or turkey! And to finish, we had delicious trifle made by Janet. OMG, yum! I only had one serve with lunch but then one serve for afternoon tea and one serve after dinner. Three serves in all for my day (I'm feeling a bit like a blob!). Everyone else had three serves too!!! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day too. No matter where you are or what you do! More from me after the madness that will be tomorrow!
PRADA of this super limited "Fairy Bag)" (Fairy is always star street pats pet. Can be big star Hilary Duff often used for collocation is dressed up, except her boyfriend Mike Comrie outside, the bag is NO. 1. Coach bag online So-called "everyone should have a" Prada elves bag, is this season in one of the most popular items. IT is one of the hottest IT, now this kind of bag bag and launch special editions, pink pricing 2,700 euros,Chanel bags will soon be the big shots out display.
I was living in the lovely sea side town of Hikari in Japan. I had the most wonderful time over two years. I feel so lucky to have shared so many special times with friends and families.
I am now home in Melbourne. I have gone back to work and enjoy teaching in a local primary school.
I originally come from a small town 2 hours from Melbourne in Australia.
One day love to be a travel photographer. I really don't want to stop travelling. Watchout world!
Merry Christmas and happy new year !!!!
PRADA of this super limited "Fairy Bag)" (Fairy is always star street pats pet. Can be big star Hilary Duff often used for collocation is dressed up, except her boyfriend Mike Comrie outside, the bag is NO. 1. Coach bag online So-called "everyone should have a" Prada elves bag, is this season in one of the most popular items. IT is one of the hottest IT, now this kind of bag bag and launch special editions, pink pricing 2,700 euros,Chanel bags will soon be the big shots out display.
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Happy holidays. The photos are lovely and the food looks delicious. I am so anxious thinking of Christmas.
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