Monday, June 12, 2006


地震 This is the kanji for jishin or earthquake.

災害 This is the kanji for saigai or disaster.

The event even made it to Australian newspapers.

This morning at precisely 5am, I was rudely awoken by a level 4 earthquake. Why do these things feel so much more exciting during the day and just plain scary in the middle of night. At that time in the morning, I am usually fast asleep so it was a shock to wake and bound out of bed in the same breath. One problem for me this morning (get ready to giggle) was the fact that I wasn't wearing anything. It has become quite hot at night and I, at times, go to bed with nothing on. When I felt the earthquake I was thinking of gathering at an emergency centre in my birthday suit. Of course this added to my panic. I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on. Then I was torn with standing where I was or dashing outside (after putting on a top of course). This particular earthquake has to be the longest I have felt. Those earthquake simulators at science centers are pretty accurate but they don't add the sound of the paper doors in Japanese houses shaking like crazy or the feeling of being torn from sleep. We were lucky to get it at level 4 in Hikari, as in the center (Oita) it was around level 6. I think one of my Japanese friends summed it up perfectly in an email she sent me...

Of course I felt it. It was so scary that I covered with ふとん (futon) myself.


J-girl said...

I didn't even feel it. The only time I've ever woken up for an earthquake was once in Tokyo, and, still in my dream, I thought it was a ghost shaking the hotel bed and jingling the closet hangers. I felt so silly when I completely awoke.

April in Wonderland said...

oh Wellen... time you got out of that crazy earthquake infested place!!! Although, it would have been very funny to see a very tall naked blonde crazy panicky woman run out of her house at that time of the morning... for everybody... not just the little japanese people.
Glad you're ok my friend.

Pauline said...

maybe it's cause i grew up in california, but i just opened one eye, decided the roof wouldn't be coming down and went back to sleep!

Laura said...

Becky said she woke up, but I didn't even long as no dishes fall down and break I don't mind the small ones (they take away from the bigger ones :)