
Not original but personal. A friend once started singing to me 'Turning Japanese. I think you're turning Japanese.' She was, of couse, refering to my habit of taking a huge amount of photos everywhere I go. I hope you enjoy seeing into my world just a little bit.
I'm with you, let's go Aussies, let's go!!
Hmmm it's obviously just me who is not all that fazed by the current soccer obsession... Am i missing something? Have fun tho.
I am with you a bit April, it is just that I am in Japan and we are playing Japan tonight - can't help but get swept up in it a bit. Over all I don't really care - unless Australia wins the whole theing of course! And they won't
In our company sweep, I have drawn England and Japan, my English colleague has Australia! I don't know who I am supporting in todays game!!
Wellen, what happened to your time counter on here? Not there anymore, did you take it off?
You guys are too Australian, it's very exciting and it you look at Lucas Niell (Aust) and Freddie Ljungberg (Sweden) you'd be interested. Have you seen him in the Calvin Klein ads, YUMMY!!!!
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