Sunday, August 28, 2005

Back in the land of SAN ZOKU

Firstly San Zoku is probably the restaurant I will miss most when I am finally back home for good. As from the heading... I am back in Japan. Safe and sound and feeling just a little bit weird. It is like I have split myself in two. I really do want to be in two places at once. I am sure my unease will settle in a few days and it will be down to business... Making the most of everyday I have left here. Let the adventue continue...

Also I will try to upload a few fave pics from Australia. I am trying to proove it to myself that I can take a pretty good picture anywhere. It isn't just down to the fact that I live in Japan.

Pic one is a cherry blossom at Mum's school. So fully out and beautiful that I had to get amongst the bees and risk a shot (I do have an allergy).

Number two is Margo's beautiful Magnolia (or is it David's). I was at home right at the opposity time that Mum and Jodi visited me. Cherry blossom and magnolia time. In about one week it will be breath taking. I should introduce the Japanese tradition of Haname. Haname is long bbq picnics under the cherry blossoms. Lovely.


Anonymous said...

CAN YOU brINg sOMe Pic chErrYs
BAcK NexT yEAr

From ViNsOn PeNg

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blossoms (plum!) and magnolia - wouldn't you believe it the weather has turned and now we expect storms - My magnolias always get a hammering at this time of the year. M XXXXx