Tonight was catch-up night with old friends. Time to see the God-children. Always a good thing when kids come careening toward you yelling your name, jump into your arms and plant numerous kisses all over your face!!
After dinner, the 5 of us ended up in the outdoor spa (big bath). That is a pretty tight fit. Three large adults and two kids! Lots of slippery skin and giggly kids. It was decided that there would be no in bed stories as it was getting late. Instead we told stories in the round. Each person took a turn to continue the story. Milla started. She's almost 6. The main characters were 'Rose-Red' and Rose-White' (sound familiar?). Anyway, here is what I remember...
Rose-Red (let's call her RR) and Rose-White (RW) were left at home one day when their Mum and Dad went out for dinner. RR was naughty, left the house and disappeared into the forest. A wolf followed her (still sound familiar?). The wolf jumped out and started kissing her. Meanwhile, back at the house, RW decided to go shopping. First she bought a pair of granny-undies and then she bought some red baby undies. She put the red undies on her ears. She went home. Suddenly, she only had two toes on each foot. The baby undies now fit on her feet so she put them on. She climbed up a tree and went to sleep like a bat, holding in with her four toes. RR was still lost in the forest. She was able to find her way home with her 7foot long, glowing eyelash and robot arms. She smashing into the backyard and knocked down the tree where RW was sleeping. RW fell out of the tree catching on to the eye-lash, saving her life! The mum and dad came home and they all lived happily ever after.
There was more. Much more detail. I was crying with laughter throughout most of it. Milla tied the whole story together. AJ added the baby red undies. Sean added ALL the crazy parts. It was so much fun!
What a FUN family....
What about story # 2, the one with the m&ms exploding out of bather bubbles that then turn into monsters. Don't forget the giant snot monsters and eventually drinking hot chocolate from the big bath!
And just for something else freaky - the word verification today is hydro!
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