Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some of the relatives

Here's Grandpa (I think he should be called "Grey Grey" as he is so grey and it matches his name), Aunty Ellen (me) and the new Mum (Anna).


Anna said...

I really like Grey Grey - but do you think he will?

Anna said...

By the way, I SO wish we still had that suit I'm wearing!

Marg and Graham said...
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Marg and Graham said...

It is cute - so will look for it - think Jan knitted it (or Janet) - have found some other things though. XXX

Unknown said...

you lot are very cute

Marg and Graham said...

Jan did the knitting and is looking for the pattern...

Unknown said...

Grey Grey really has no say in his name, besides anyone with a stunning moe should be happy to be called Grey Grey and not Dirk!