Thursday, July 13, 2006

Look what I did...

Made this from a drawing I received today. Cool hey? Not sure what I will do with it yet. Business cards? Wish she/I was holding/using a camera!


Anna said...

You should make note cards with it. The art of hand written notes is being forotten and it's a shame.

Turning Japanese said...

Great idea. I could use it at school. Write notes/certificates for kids on it. Any ideas on how/where I could get it made into note cards?
Now... get back to work!

April in Wonderland said...

Ellen, whatever happened to that grey, black and white swirly painting you did many years back? I loved that painting... This looks cool tho, you should investigate printing companies, maybe even... hmmm let me get back to you. xxx

Turning Japanese said...

God... Your memory is amazing. I am sure the painting is in painting heaven but if I ever find it... it is yours.


Anna said...

Any local printer should be able to do it for you, otherwise investigate on the net - there's sure to be a company in the US which will do it.