Sunday, December 18, 2005

My own little dump of snow

I woke up to this...
My car. Nice blanket of snow. Very happy that I won't ever have to dig it out.

Just enough for a yuki daruma - snowman. They are always made with two parts here in Japan.


Anonymous said...

How beautiful M XXX (lucky you)

Lauren said... thought all snowmen were 2 parts???? Im confused now! God, I love a bit of cultural exchange!

Lauren said...

oops...that shouldve been 'i thought'...fliipin frozen fingers trying to type!

Turning Japanese said...

I guess most of the pitures I have grown up on had three parts. I can't say I remember ever making one. I know I did as a very small child. I think snowmen should be any shape you like anyway. Lets think outside the square.

J-girl said...

Yay! Australians have 3-part snowmen, too! I'm so happy now.