Saturday, November 12, 2005

The beauty of autumn. Reds and yellows bring out the tourists and the artists. What a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Oh the beauty of it all - I only wish I was there M XXXX

. said...

That's just gorgeous. I am going Doraibu with some colleagues this saturday for Momiji. So excited. :)

J-girl said...

So beautiful! I have never actually gone to see momoji. I'd better get to it--this is my last chance!

Turning Japanese said...

If you can get to Miyajima in the next few weekends - GO! I know it is far but wonderful. Take the train though cause the car is too hard to negotiate. Too many other cars.

David_Weinstein said...

these pics are just fantastic. it's amazing that i can't decide which colors are more vibrant: the man-made festival clothing, or the colors of the leaves during the best time of year ever!