Go back about three weeks and I was feeling the most down, the most bottom that I have EVER felt. Hard to explain. Long, drawn out and boring. Let's just say that the doctor said I had a virus! It has taken a long time to climb back up to my usual glass half full self! I think I am finally here. I must be as I am even blogging!
I have so much and the distant and not too distant future. I thought I would try writing them down as dot points. Please bare with me...
- This Saturday, the house I am living in is up for auction. I am hoping so hard that an investor buys it and wants me to stay on (this is the only thing worrying me right now)
- School holidays begin in 3 weeks (YAY!). I am headed to visit a great friend in Noosa (DOUBLE YAY!)
- Right at the same time as I head to Noosa, my oldest BFF is moving to Hong Kong. I am mostly excited by this. I am so excited for Jodi and her husband Wayne but also scared about how much I will miss them. They currently live .5km from me. Jodi and I went to high school together! Jodi will be commuting for about six months so I guess I will miss Wayne most initially (He really is like a big brother. I completely consider him family)! The positive is the chance to visit Hong Kong lots and lots!
- At the very end of Noosa (the day before I head home), my sister, her husband and my precious little niece arrive back in Melbourne. This I am VERY excited about. I haven't met Eva yet. I can't wait!! Oh, the cuddles!
- In October Mum turns 60 (shhhh, don't tell anyone). The whole family is headed up to Sydney for a long weekend. We will be staying in Manly and have booked Doyles for Mum's birthday lunch! WOW! I even plan on meeting a blogger friend.
- Milla turns 6 in October and thank god those important people are not going anywhere. I need them!
- Then at Christmas, my sweet Japanese friend Tomoko and her mum are travelling all this way to see ME! How lucky am I? They'll be here for around 10 days over new years.
After all that, I can breathe. I have probably forgotten something. More things will probably pop up. Here's to the adventures ahead...